Saturday, June 16, 2007

Is That Too Graphic?

puns are amazing. =]

here're some graphics I've done lately.

original photo:




Hayley <3


OPDT 4lyfe orly?

Jason ftw!


I'm so bored lately.
Today in school. I listen to music. ALL DAMN DAY.
but I'm not complaining. =]
I even listened to Powerspace while taking a test xD
which I aced, by the way. haha.

high school is gonna suck for me. I SWEAR.
I'm scared already.

I've noticed A LOT lately.
I've noticed that I can do a full back-bend from standing position. haha.
I've noticed that I can take into full account how people may act around you by just seeing how they act normally. unless they're actors... then it's alittle harder. therefore, you go alitte bit deeper.
I'm excited that I'm starting acting soon. now to hit the gym.
I'm excited that I'm turning 14 next month. I've already started saying I'm 14 on everything. xD
I'm excited about Harry Potter coming out. ON MY BIRTHDAY! how cool is that?
I want to move out of this house.
I want to talk to people higher on the "chain of life" than I. which is like... everyone.
I want to be confident.
Warped Tour is next month. The 11th. it's already fucking hot here. and it's only June. god. I'm dreading it already. the cooler is gonna be PACKED!
someone tried to pick a fight with me. because I said the word "deary" when talking to them. touchy?

let's finish this off with a quick saying:

"this is your head. this is your head with an axe through it."


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